5052 aluminum coil stock for umbrella frame

 News     |      2021-03-31 17:48
Umbrella skeletons were mostly wooden and bamboo ribs in the past. With the changes and demands of the times, iron bones, steel bones, aluminum alloy bones and other materials have appeared on the market. 5052 aluminum coil stock for umbrella frame, It is light in weight, light and convenient to carry, has good wind resistance, is strong and durable, is light and has good plasticity and corrosion resistance, can be polished, has excellent processing and forming effects, and has a high recycling rate, so it has a high market share Relatively high and well received by the market.

Alloy 5052 aluminum coil stock for umbrella frame
Temple F、O、H18、H22、H24、H32、H34、H38、H36、H26、H28、H12、H14、H16
Thickness(mm) 0.15-0.5
Width(mm) 100-2650
Length(mm) C
Typical products Checkered plate, umbrella frame, special materials for transportation equipment, etc.